Often a leadership problem is perceived in companies and communicated in employee circles to the exclusion of the leaders concerned. This creates two fronts that act with or against the leadership. Many companies, organisations, associations, institutions suffer from leadership weakness. The resulting momentum of the individual fronts can promote divisions in the team and even lead to the dissolution of the constructive group dynamic. Waves of resignations and high fluctuation rates are possible signs of such grievances.
The leadership competence of an organisation becomes perceptible in the customer and supplier environment. Reputation is therefore also influenced by leadership competence. Accordingly, organisations are measured and judged by their functionality, constructiveness and agility as well as values such as sustainability and openness to current consumer needs.
Modern organisational structures are interconnected and communicate with each other through many publicly accessible channels. They want self-directed teams combined with self-motivation, personal responsibility, entrepreneurial thinking and self-control. The desired agility should enable proximity to the rapidly changing market and serve the problem-solving cycle in the context of continuous further development of products or services.
What influence does my image of man have on my leadership competence? Am I open to other cultures, to people who think differently and to multiple truths? Do I exemplify constructivism? Do I allow enough room for development? Do I deal with mistakes in an appreciative way? Do I live the error culture? How do I lead myself and how do I measure my contribution to supporting the achievement of goals by my fellow human beings, subordinates and team members?
My experience indicates that living a positive human image promotes constructive team/group dynamics, strengthens the self-confidence of each individual member and enables a focus on results through self-control. As different as people are, so are their perceptions and attitudes. An appropriate and adaptable leadership style seems to me to be important.